HG Trim® is a unique formula which combines the active ingredients from several popular weight loss products. There are 60 capsules per bottle and the recommended dosage is 2 capsules any time after breakfast. This is a much easier program to follow than all the other weight loss products that recommend taking 30 minutes before each meal. How many times do you forget to take it at home before your meal or forget to take it with you when you go out to eat. What you will notice is a more alert and energetic feeling that will last all day long. The caffeine in HG Trim® is equivalent to 2 cups of coffee, but is a time released energy without a crash at the end of the day.
When the fat burning and appetite suppressing power of HG Trim® is combined with HG Cleanse (a colon cleansing product) and HG Slim (a great tasting meal replacement), a person will find the pounds start to shed in no time!
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